Thursday, August 14, 2008

In the hot seat...

(Just a reminder: Click on Pic for bigger view.)

On the other side of the Kanawha River in West Virginia sits a house high up on the riverbank...this could be just a photo where I was trying to be clever by using a tree limb as a frame...the house, from this far away, doesn't look too spectactular...

But the close-up view gives away why I thought this was an unusual shot...LOOK at that slide!! For a moment it appears to be something out of a waterpark, but's METAL! And it's 90 degrees out there...OUCH !!! No wonder nobody's playing there! We figure that they must run a hose at the top to create a water slide, otherwise this just wouldn't be any fun at all.
Hmmmm...Now that I think of it...when I was growing up these were the only kind of slides that we had in the park (I lived in the time of B.P. : Before Plastic) and it sure never stopped us from using just learned not to touch the sides and to lift your legs so you slid completely on your shorts. So this slide probably did get alot of use in its heyday!

Laugh often :o)


Carole Burant said...

As you say, when we were children, all the slides were made of metal and I remember getting "metal burns" on my legs if I'd slide on it with my legs hanging on either side! lol Where we use to have our little cottage while growing up, across the street was a campground and I'd go swimming on their beach...they had one of those slides in the middle of the shallow end and I'd spend hours on it! xoxo

Green Moss & Sunny said...

we still have a metal slide like that at my school. The kids know just how to avoid the burn. insurance wienies always tell ius to get rid of it.


Barbara said...

Thank you for the birthday greetings yesterday! :) I've just perused back to September 07, love your sense of humor... look forward to your future postings! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember those slides too and nothing stopped us from going you always figure out a way to have fun when your young.
Take care

Kelly said...

Stopping by to say hello. Have enjoyd your wonderful photos. The
"hound dogs" are to cute for words!! Take Care and God Bless!
~Kelly Maria