Seems like alot of physical labor, yet the keys had to be arranged in a difficult pattern because women (I'm not being sexist here...this was a machine for the secretary and at that time it was a female dominated field!) became too adept at typing and so had to be thwarted by an alphabet pattern that would slow them down.
It didn't work. I remember battling on timed drills to see who was the fastest (oh, and ACCURATE, don't forget that, LOL) typist in the class. I even got an award for my typing skills!!
So many changes since then. But look down at your computer keyboard. It is fundamentally the same. A strange mix of past and present. An alphabet that is not in any recognizable order. But now your fingers don't have to be as strong!
Hmmmm. I wonder if the mouse lived inside of the original??!!
Have a phun day. (Well, I might have been a fast typer, but I never was a very good speller, LOL!)
I had one of these old babies, then I got a "lectric" typewriter now I am high teck with a computer!! I use to love the clakaty clak sound did you??
Have a good weekend
I used to LOVE my typewriter :) Thanks for taking me down memory lane.
What was that practice sentence we had to type all the time -- something about a brown fox??? I can't remember...
How much easier is it, though, to correct typos on a computer? Love that!
I also learned before computers, but it was on an electric, so no carriage return lever. I went to seccy college and spent so many hours going over and over those letters until I knew them like the back of my hand!! Once I started working my speeds went up even more, and I remember being tested at one point when I wanted to do temp work and I was 96 words per min which I was hugely proud of!! I am nowhere near those sorts of speeds now!
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